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A member registered Jun 05, 2021

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Oh cool, makes sense then, thats good to know. Thank you for the fix and reply. Have a great day.

Outstanding game, great atmostphere, doesnt just take me back to old Zelda games but actually into its completely own "dimension".

Only bug encountered ("Haunted PS1 Demo Disk 2022" version): When you throw pots against walls items sometimes get stuck in the wall and become unattainable, your walls might need some "push" against items colliding with them, so they press them out like they do with the player character.

This is without exaggeration my favourite lewd indi game, even when considering the masterpiece that is Kurovadis. I just like how unique and beautiful it is and that the female protag is driving the lewd plot forward herself. That's very hard to pull off without making it a boring, moral statement.

Sorry, wasn't meant to sound that harsh - i mistook your game for a contender of a gamejam a YouTuber asked me to post brutally honest reviews on. But thanks to itch io's UI i was long outside of that gamejam's commissions already and went down hard on totally random game projects.

"Gravitational jousting" was me trying to pack a complex concept into two words. "Jousting with heavy use of gravity." would be the longer version. Doesn't really matter, just a summary of my personal perception of the game's mechanics.

Fun game, nice graphics and music. The AI was functional, they only, even in the patched version, didn't seem to care about the abyss or what ever the black squares are and continously kept dying when i tried to build a wall to prevent them from going there. Even when they stood on the safe side, close to where i wanted to build, they sometimes tried to "go around" and landed in the abyss. Yeah, but that's just a bug - the game itself is fun, nice looking and original.

Very original but pretty one-dimensional. It's unique gameplay idea wears off very quickly. It's basically "gravitational jousting". AI is a bit stiff and locks itself into a move, which makes it easy to dodge the attacks, but the AI is there and feasible, and it knows what it needs to do to win.

Dat bass doe.  Fun and nice to look at, but not very original imho.

Was a bit confusing at the start, and the pathfinding seems to be limited to one unit per target unit or target tile. But it's great fun and the AI seems to be working for the most part. The presentation is accurate and a RTS is very much original in 2021.

Reminds me a lot of Loop Hero, so its not very original. Presentation is functional at best, too. Fun wasn't really redeeming either. It's "so-so" overall.

Woooo, this was fun. Nice use of graphics and the animations are top notch, he telegraphed his moves perfectly. There's a smash-style bug still where you are able to "fly" by dashing and jumping, so you never really loose. AI was decent too, seems to have picked fitting moves for range and danger of falling off the platform.

I reckon the AI went into the NPCs and the dog, they were bumping into each other a lot. And if the dog had AI, he just ran into the blocking warning sign and not into what seems to be an escape in the wall behind him. Seems to be bugged. Presentation is great pixel art, the idea of having to find and free a dog AI is pretty original. But since the AI didn't work for me i didn't really have fun with it, maybe i was just unlucky with the AI bugging out early for me. UI doesn't make any sense, the interaction button only opens what seemed to me like a hex based dev console.

No rules were broken and where's the AI? Cars didn't react at all to my driving, they were unmoving pillars of cement when it came to a crash. And what's exactly original about a car sim?

Pretty and original but unplayable. Nothing in the controls and UI made sense to me. No matter what bot i clicked i always had the same command line open. None of the commands i tried were accepted. You start with the player bot and he is the only one without "prebaked" command lines, but good luck trying to program him or to get back to him once you switched to different bots out of curiosity.